Despite the impressive performance of deep learning methods in enhancing medical images, the availability of high-quality, paired training data is often limited, posing a considerable challenge. This paper introduces a Siamese structure-based (SSP-Net) image enhancement method with dual input, which considers both target highlight structure (texture enhancement) and background balance (consistent background contrast) from unpaired low-quality and high-quality medical images. The proposed method, in addition, incorporates the generative adversarial network mechanism, achieving structure-preserving enhancement through iterative adversarial learning processes. Primary Cells Extensive experiments comparing the proposed SSP-Net with cutting-edge techniques demonstrate its substantial improvement in the task of unpaired image enhancement.
A persistent down mood and a lack of interest in everyday pursuits are defining characteristics of depression, a mental disorder that causes significant disruption in daily life. Distress may arise from a confluence of psychological, biological, and social influences. The more-severe depression, known clinically as clinical depression, includes the forms of major depression or major depressive disorder. The utilization of electroencephalography and speech signals for the early identification of depression has emerged recently; nevertheless, their application remains confined to moderate or severe cases. We have improved diagnostic capabilities by combining the analysis of audio spectrograms with diverse EEG frequency ranges. The process involved merging different levels of speech and EEG data to create descriptive features, which were then analyzed by applying vision transformers and a selection of pre-trained networks to the speech and EEG data. Significant improvements in depression diagnosis accuracy (0.972 precision, 0.973 recall, and 0.973 F1-score) were observed in our experiments utilizing the Multimodal Open Dataset for Mental-disorder Analysis (MODMA) dataset for patients exhibiting mild symptoms. Finally, in support of the project, a web application was developed using Flask, with the source code readily available at MultiDL and the associated speech patterns, reflective of depression.
While graph representation learning has seen considerable progress, the practical implications of continual learning, where new node categories (like novel research areas in citation networks or new product types in co-purchasing networks) and their corresponding edges constantly arise, leading to catastrophic forgetting of previous categories, have received scant attention. Existing approaches either overlook the abundant topological information or prioritize stability over adaptability. This endeavor is facilitated by Hierarchical Prototype Networks (HPNs), which produce representations of different levels of abstract knowledge, in the form of prototypes, for the continually growing graphs. Our approach starts with the application of Atomic Feature Extractors (AFEs) to encode the target node's elemental attribute data and its topological structure. We subsequently create HPNs, which are employed for the adaptive selection of pertinent AFEs, representing each node by three levels of prototypes. Upon the introduction of a novel node type, the activation and refinement procedure will target only the corresponding AFEs and prototypes at their respective levels while leaving unaffected components to maintain the performance of existing nodes. A theoretical analysis first reveals that HPNs' memory usage is bounded, independent of the number of tasks presented. Subsequently, we demonstrate that, with modest limitations, the acquisition of fresh tasks will not disrupt the prototypes associated with prior data, thereby resolving the issue of forgetting. Five different datasets served as the basis for experiments that validate the theoretical predictions of HPNs, revealing their superior performance compared to state-of-the-art baselines and their lower memory consumption. Code and datasets related to HPNs can be downloaded from
Unsupervised text generation frequently uses variational autoencoders (VAEs) due to their capacity to derive relevant latent spaces, though this method commonly rests on the assumption of an isotropic Gaussian distribution, which may not perfectly reflect textual data. Real-world sentences, possessing distinct semantic properties, may not align with a simple isotropic Gaussian model. Due to the dissimilarity of subject matter found within the texts, their distribution is almost certainly more convoluted and diverse. In light of this observation, we present a flow-integrated VAE for topic-oriented language modeling (FET-LM). The FET-LM model separately addresses the topic and sequence latent variables, employing a normalized flow based on householder transformations for sequence posterior estimation, thereby more accurately capturing intricate text distributions. FET-LM, exploiting learned sequence knowledge, amplifies the role of a neural latent topic component. This not only facilitates unsupervised topic learning but also guides the sequence component to integrate topic information effectively during training. In order to increase the thematic cohesion of the generated text, we also utilize the topic encoder as a means of discrimination. Three generation tasks and a wealth of automatic metrics collectively demonstrate that the FET-LM not only learns interpretable sequence and topic representations, but also possesses the full capability to generate semantically consistent and high-quality paragraphs.
Deep neural network acceleration is promoted by filter pruning, a strategy that avoids reliance on specialized hardware or libraries, while still ensuring high prediction accuracy. Works frequently associate pruning with l1-regularized training, encountering two problems: 1) the non-scaling-invariance of the l1-norm (where the regularization penalty varies based on weight magnitudes), and 2) the difficulty in finding a suitable penalty coefficient to find the optimal balance between high pruning ratios and decreased accuracy. To address these problems, we introduce a streamlined pruning technique, adaptive sensitivity-based pruning (ASTER), which 1) upholds the scaling properties of unpruned filter weights and 2) dynamically adjusts the pruning threshold during the training process. The sensitivity of the loss to the threshold is dynamically calculated by ASTER, obviating the need for retraining, and this is executed effectively by using L-BFGS exclusively on batch normalization (BN) layers. Thereafter, it refines the threshold to sustain a proper balance between the pruning rate and the model's overall strength. Our experiments, utilizing a variety of cutting-edge Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and benchmark datasets, have yielded compelling results that underscore the advantages of our methodology for reducing FLOPs while maintaining accuracy. Our method achieves a FLOPs reduction greater than 76% on ResNet-50 within the ILSVRC-2012 framework, with only a 20% decrease in Top-1 accuracy. For MobileNet v2, the result is a remarkable 466% reduction in FLOPs. A 277% reduction marks the extent of the drop. ASTER, when applied to a very lightweight model like MobileNet v3-small, leads to a substantial 161% reduction in FLOPs, with only a negligible decrease of 0.03% in Top-1 accuracy.
Modern healthcare facilities are increasingly reliant on deep learning for accurate diagnosis. The key to superior diagnostic accuracy lies in the meticulous design of deep neural networks (DNNs). Though proving effective in image analysis, supervised DNNs built on convolutional layers frequently exhibit shortcomings in feature exploration, attributed to the restricted receptive field and biased feature extraction prevalent in conventional CNNs, thereby jeopardizing network performance. In disease diagnosis, we propose a novel feature exploration network, the manifold embedded multilayer perceptron (MLP) mixer, or ME-Mixer, which effectively combines supervised and unsupervised features. The proposed approach involves the use of a manifold embedding network to extract class-discriminative features, which are then encoded by two MLP-Mixer-based feature projectors, capturing the global reception field. Any existing convolutional neural network can have our ME-Mixer network easily appended as a plugin, due to its broad application. Comprehensive evaluations are performed across both medical datasets. The classification accuracy is significantly improved by their method, compared to various DNN configurations, while maintaining acceptable computational complexity, as the results demonstrate.
Objective modern diagnostics are evolving to prioritize less intrusive health monitoring using dermal interstitial fluid over blood or urine. Nonetheless, the skin's uppermost layer, the stratum corneum, significantly impedes the uncomplicated acquisition of the fluid without recourse to invasive, needle-based methods. For a way past this hurdle, simple, minimally invasive tools are needed.
A method to address this issue involved developing and testing a flexible, Band-Aid-like patch for interstitial fluid extraction. Simple resistive heating elements in this patch thermally disrupt the stratum corneum, enabling fluid to emerge from deeper skin layers without external pressure. Chemical and biological properties The on-patch reservoir is provisioned with fluid by means of self-navigating hydrophilic microfluidic channels.
The device's capacity to gather sufficient interstitial fluid for biomarker quantification was successfully demonstrated using living, ex-vivo human skin models. Additionally, finite element modeling indicated that the patch's ability to traverse the stratum corneum does not raise the skin temperature enough to activate pain-inducing nerve fibers in the dermis.
Only simple, commercially viable fabrication methods are employed in this patch, leading to enhanced collection rates over various microneedle-based patches, painlessly drawing human bodily fluid samples without any physical penetration.